Household Items That are Poisonous or Dangerous to Dogs

Just as you child-proof your home before the new baby begins to walk, you have to consider that your new dog will go after just about anything in the home. Puppies, especially teething puppies, will want to taste everything, but not everything in your home belongs in your pup’s mouth. Here are some common household items that are poisonous to dogs.


Medications: Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, aspirin, cough and cold syrups, and prescription drugs should all be kept out of the reach of dogs.


Indoor Plants: These can be very dangerous for dogs and should only be kept on a counter high enough so a dog cannot reach for it. If you have a large dog, you may want to get rid of certain plants altogether. Including: Tulip bulbs, poinsettias, philodendrons, daffodils, lily of the valley, and azaleas.


Foods: Dogs have a way of getting into cabinets where the “good stuff” is stored. These foods are dangerous for dogs and should never be a part of their diet: chocolate, yeast, grapes, onions, and raisins.


Insecticides: These should not be kept in the home, but kept in a locked cabinet Onionor on a high shelf in a garage or out-building: rat poison, flea and tick products, and other insecticides.


Cleaners: These are sometimes kept under the kitchen sink. Dog-proof the cabinet so that these items cannot be taken out by your dog: bleach, detergent, furniture polish, soap, and disinfectants.


Chemicals: These include lighter fluid, turpentine, antifreeze, gasoline, glue, paint, solvents, and any type of acids.


Tobacco: Try to avoid leaving out a pack of cigarettes that can easily be eaten by a dog. You might suck down a pack a day, but if your dog does he’ll probably die.


Other Household Hazards: Ensure that are all the electrical outlets in your home are covered; no extension cords are within sight or available for a dog to chew on; all electrical appliances are turned off or unplugged, and small collectible items you have showcased in your home are transferred to the top of an open bookshelf or an enclosed glass closet.


If you have a large dog make sure any harmful items are not left out on the sink or counter in your bathrooms. If you have a cabinet under the bathroom sink make sure it has a safety lock.


Dogs are curious animals and they are inherently prone to forage for food and other items they consider chewable toys. Think of your dog as another child; as dedicated as you are to child-proofing your home, consider dog-proofing as well. In this way, there is no chance of an accident occurring when you are not home or when you are fast asleep.


For puppies, it’s a good recommendation to keep them in a kennel during the night so that they can sleep peacefully and not roam around the home. For older dogs, train them only to eat or play with the food or toys you offer.


A simple test is to get down on your hands and knees and go through your entire home. This test has been used by those who wish to child-proof their home; looking at it from a child’s perspective. Think about your home from a dog’s perspective. Is that something my pooch might like to chew on? Will it hurt them or make them sick? If so, make it safe, and if your not certain, always err on the side of caution. There’s already enough dangers in the world, lets make our homes a safe haven for our four-legged friends.


How do you keep your dog from getting into harmful items?