How do you know what dog is right for you and your family?

Dogs come in all different sizes, lengths of hair, and disposition. These are some of the traits to take into
consideration when deciding on the best dog for you. Also consider why you are getting the dog: protection, companion or for the children? Settle on a purpose for your dog and this will help narrow your breed selection. How much time do you have to devote? Will the dog be easy to train? What type of health care will you need to provide? These are all questions and concerns you will want to address when choosing man’s best friend.


RubyWhen your new puppy/dog comes home he/she should be at the center of attention. You will have to devote enough time and energy to help your new puppy/dog adapt to their new home. Be diligent and attentive to your new companion and you will quickly discover how the time and energy you spend today will reward you later with love and devotion from your new pet.


It is important to know what type of disposition and role you want your dog to have in your family. There are many different types of dogs available and each has a certain temperament. Each breed of dog was bred with a specific job in mind and that breeding will influence the dog’s behaviors greatly. Study the breeds you are considering and discover the job the breed was intended to do. This insight will be valuable for you and clue you in on how the dog will behave around strangers, other dogs, children, kenneling and a vast amount of other circumstances.


While studying up on the breeds learn about the animal’s attributes. The size of your dog when full grown is a major consideration. If you live in a small apartment you’ll want to have a smaller dog than if you live on a large ranch. Some dogs require a lot of exercise and are very athletic while other dogs are content with taking a daily walk.


Do you want to spend a lot of time at the groomers or do you prefer a wash and go type of dog. All dogs will need to be washed and bushed from time to time. Dogs with longer coats will require frequent grooming to feel and look their best. Long coat dogs are beautiful, but they will require more grooming than a dog with medium or a short-length coat.


When it comes to training some breeds of dogs are better suited for specific types of tasks, where as some breeds are more stubborn and might have you pulling your hair out. I recommend basic obedience training for every dog. Sometimes the basic training is all you’ll need. However, some dogs need more and a well-mannered dog makes a rewarding companion.


Some breeds of dogs are more prone to certain types of health problems. Like people, dogs will need to have occasional healthcare. Before you settle on your breed inquire with a veterinarian about that breeds specific health needs. Don’t be caught off guard by a malady known to plague a specific breed.


You may want to consider mixed breeds dogs they can give you the best of several different breeds of dogs. For example, if a dog you are considering is known to have hip problems you could get a mixed breed and bypass the problem altogether. Check your local rescues; your next best friend may already be waiting for you.