7 Fun Games To Play With Your Cat

7 Fun Games To Play With Your Cat

Studies show a lot of indoor cats are bored and stressed out. Indoor cats do not get the mental and physical stimulation they need to indulge their instinctive behavior – hunting, chase and have some playtime. Kittens generally have boundless energy and will excitedly play for quite a long time. Some cats, however, may need motivation and encouragement to play.

Experts generally recommend a minimum of two play sessions of at least 15 minutes each day. Finding the right forms of play can make playtime fun for both you and your cat, no matter their age.

#1. Indoor Hunting Game

This can be as simple as letting your cat hunt for their food. Hide small amounts of food around the house and let them “hunt” for it. Start by making it somewhat easy to find then progress to harder to find places. You can place a teaspoon or smaller amount on a plate and hide the place.  Toilet paper rolls work well to hide the food.

Feel free to use your imagination. Remember to place some food in both high and low areas.

#2. Create Vertical Space

Many cats love to jump and climb. Make sure to have places where your cat can jump and climb up high. This will help reduce stress and boredom and encourages your cat to move more.

You can purchase indoor cat trees which ideally would reach from floor to ceiling, have places where they can perch up high, add wall shelves and window seats to give your cat a variety of choices.

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#3. Fake Furry Mice

Little mouse toys can be great and you can get ones that make “mouse” sounds or not. Some cats love the sound and give them more of a hunting feel. Cats seem to love the ones that are similar in size, texture and can bat around to a real mouse.  Try tossing one on across the floor in front of your cat and see how they react.

#4. Switch It Up

Cats can get bored quickly. Like people, cats want variety. Don’t give your cat all of their toys at once. Instead, wash their toys and put them away for a few.

Move the big toys around to a new location. When we move cat trees etc to new locations cats will sometimes get interested it them again.

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#5. Go For A Walk

Cats need mental and physical stimulation in order to be happy they also get bored very quickly. That is why I recommend teaching your cat how to walk with a harness and leash. A happy cat gets plenty of hunting and playtime. A walk is a great way to let them “hunt” and get playtime.

Here are 10 Tips For Training A Cat To Walk On Leash

Trailblazers Pet Supply here in Chico has several cat harnesses to choose from.

#6. Play With Your Cat

If you haven’t played with your cat much in the past give it time especially if your cat is a bit older. Cats love routine and attention schedule 10-20 minutes twice a day to have playtime with your cat. Try different things to see what your cat likes – wand toys, laser toy, blow bubbles, download a smartphone app, have them chase a string, etc just remember to switch it up so neither of you get bored.

#7. Hide Boxes

If it fits it sits is a well-known saying among cat owners. Cats love boxes and what better way to make playtime fun than to hide a few around the house. You can make a cardboard jungle gym to give you can something to play in and around.

As an added bonus studies have shown cats that have access to boxes to hide in have less stress.

Playing with your cat is a bonding experience that can fulfill many of your cat’s needs, including mental and physical stimulation and exercise.


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