Get Rid of Skunk Smell From Your Dog

How to get rid of skunk smell from your dog.  Here is a simple recipe I have used to get skunk spray smell off my dog.


Mix together in a bucket:

  • 1 quart hydrogen peroxide (the 3 percent hydrogen peroxide variety)
  • ¼ cup baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons dishwashing liquid ( I always use Dawn but I think any of them will work.)

The quantities listed should make enough deskunking mixture for a medium-size dog 30 to 50 pounds. If your dog is really big I would double the recipe to make sure you have enough.

Put the mixture on your dry dog from the neck back towards the tail. Do not put the mixture on your dogs head as it can burn their eyes.

If your dog’s face was sprayed and you need to get the smell out. Mix:

  • 1 part baking soda with
  • 3 parts water

and apply gently to your dogs face with an old rag. Let it sit 3-4 minutes before shampooing out.  Hydrogen peroxide will burn your dogs’ eyes, avoid putting it anywhere near your dogs’ eyes.

You will want to rub the mixture into their coat for around 5 minutes or until the smell starts to go away.

Make sure to rinse out all of the mixture. You will most likely have to repeat this process up to three times to get most of the smell out. Make certain you get rinse all of the mixture off of your dog on the final rinse.

I recommend keeping all the ingredients on hand if you live in an area where your dog can get sprayed by a skunk.  It’s never fun when you dog comes home smelling like a skunk.

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